
We have agency service mission to collect reach and non-reach information and additional help from statistics center.


We have created business centre to connect with business people, our main business is sharing good news.


People approach us with various problems through the Counseling Center, they can find solution to their problem by sharing the Word of God.


Let us share the gospel with those who share other gospels. Christians or non-Christians of different sects and denominational teachings also learn right doctrin through Doctrinal Centre.


Students and teachers want to learn many things through this service, let’s share the good news with them through this center service, click here Education Center.


Many people working in banking/non-banking sector and financial sector are looking financial advice, let us share the gospel through this mission of financial center.

House prayer

There are many opportunities to pray in your home/other homes for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, thanksgiving gatherings, and memorial days. When you get there, simply share your testimony and about Jesus Christ, life, birth, death and resurrection. Learn more about the House Center


Don’t forget that we have a service of intelligence center people who love this service and you will have the opportunity to share the gospel with them.


Many people are unemployed and spend their time without meaning, the reason for creating the job center is to engage people to find work, remember to share the love of Jesus Christ.


Library Lovers reach out to books, give some books about your or their interest, share good news/literature, give tracks in the library, meet librarian, readers, staff and people waiting near the library. Learn more about the library center.


Let’s go to the media, share the gospel with all the TV presenters, employees and workers who may know Jesus, and check with them personally if they know how to invite Christ into their hearts. Get details in the Media Center.

Marriage /Family

At the matrimonial center there is an opportunity to provide marriage counseling/coupling, share the gospel with them, talk about their future.


We are spreading a lot of news, share the news with others, let’s talk about the message of Jesus, birth, death, resurrection, watch the news center.


A great opportunity to share the gospel with writers/readers through this central service, contact us to meet the authors here, and get a brochure to share the gospel, learn more about the Publication Center


Pray for your unsaved friends/family and send a request to the prayer center.

Recreation/ re-habitation

People those who suffering by disease at hospital, old age home, rehab centre, care of them before share Gospel, learn more Recreation Centre.

Supply Service

If you give something to someone or have time or create a time to share the gospel with others. Read on at the distribution center

Social Service

There are many opportunities to share the gospel. You can meet social workers officers, workers to share the good news like to trust, charity and NGOs. You can learn more about the social center to share the gospel.


There are many shops in your area. You may meet shop owners, workers in the shop, while selling and buying share the gospel to them. Get to know Shop Centre.


We have a travel center to meet different cultural people. You can join us as a guide, arrange a trip, make a planned trip to any destination, share about the travel center and don’t forget to share the gospel.


You can meet people through videos for any kind of reasons, don’t forget to share the gospel, meet any person through video, YouTube etc.


Join us as a web evangelist or mobile evangelist , we have millions of ways to share the gospel through the web centre.

One way communication:

The mass Evangelist share the gospel but does not see the people. Or can’t answer through television. There was no immediate response as all forms of media ministry, just gave the notice in bulk.

Jesus asked, Do you like to see? Yes respond.

Dear Christian leaders and believers!

Please give much priority to two way communication.

Like to join with us to know much more tools and service, contact us.

Gospel sharing Mission

Details and contact person to get resource; Contact here

About Jesus – Tools in different methods- download


Miracles/ Video to share.

Application to join with us as an Evangelist

Apply here

Agreement how to communicate/terms and condition:

Share Gospel in your area.

Project to meet unreached area.

Trip/Mission trip to share Gospel.

Share testimony with authentication proof.

Do ministry in any area in the world with commitment.

Write a special letter to us, your objective and plan.

Don’t start any name of organization/ mission/ organization, be a Evangelist.

Raise the fund yourself or request at Web Centre to help by others.

Any misused information during that time will get immediate termination.
